By Dr Kate Gomes

How to Love Exercising with Dr Kate Gomes

Guys, so my name is doctor Kate Gomes. I am The Sports Doctor, on Instagram.

I have teamed up with Push Doctor today to talk to you, guys, about protein. So, as somebody who follows a vegan diet and with it being in the middle of the January, with loads and loads of people embarking on trying veganism for a month, it seems like quite a topical thing to talk about protein and where we get our protein from, in where we get protein from in our diet.

And the number one question I get asked when somebody wants to become more plant-based or adopt a vegan diet is But where will I get my protein?

And it's actually quite funny thing because what people seem to believe is that the only way you can consume protein in your diet is by eating varied sources of meat, when actually you can find loads of protein in varied sources of plants as well.

I think what people fail to realize is that your leafy green vegetables, like broccoli, spinach, kale, peas, loads of grains and nuts including nut butters and soy derived products all contain high amounts of protein and the difference between proteins derived from meat and proteins derived from plant-based products is really the genetic makeup of these proteins.

And so, essentially you have your complete proteins found in meat and - what I mean by complete protein - is a protein source that contains all essential amino acids.

And then, contrarily we have our incomplete protein sources, and these are coming from plant-based products.